Compromised Journalists; A Partial List
Source: 1995 membership roster of the Council on Foreign Relations -- the same CFR that issued a report in early 1996 urging the reconsideration of a ban on the CIA recruitment and planting of journalists in the American news media. Among the fruits of this endeavor was the
hiring of psychological operations specialists at CNN headquarters in Atlanta.
- Roone Arledge
- Peter Grose
- Walter H. Pincus
- Sidney Blumenthal
- Jim Hoagland
- Norman Podhoretz
- David Brinkley
- Warren Hoge
- Dan Rather
- Tom Brokaw
- David Ignatius
- Stephen S. Rosenfeld
- William F. Buckley, Jr.
- Robert G. Kaiser
- A. M. Rosenthal
- James E. Burke
- Marvin Kalb
- Jack Rosenthal
- Hodding Carter III
- Peter R. Kann
- Diane Sawyer
- John Chancellor
- Anne Karalekas
- Daniel L. Schorr
- George Crile III
- Joe Klein
- Robert B. Semple, Jr.
- Arnaud de Borchgrave
- Morton Kondracke
- Hedrick L. Smith
- Karen DeYoung
- Charles Krauthammer
- George Stephanopoulos
- Christopher S. Dickey
- Irving Kristol
- Strobe Talbott
- Joan Didion
- Jim Lehrer
- Laurence A. Tisch
- Leonard Downie, Jr.
- Joseph Lelyveld
- Seymour Topping
- Elizabeth Drew
- Lee Lescaze
- Robert C. Toth
- Rowland Evans, Jr.
- Anthony Lewis
- Mark Uhlig
- James Fallows
- Flora Lewis
- Garrick Utley
- Thomas L. Friedman
- Mitchel Levitas
- Katrina vanden Heuvel
- Suzanne Garment
- Michael E. Lind
- L. Bruce van Voorst
- Leslie H. Gelb
- Kati Marton
- Milton Viorst
- David R. Gergen
- Jessica T. Mathews
- Ben J. Wattenberg
- Philip L. Geyelin
- Karl E. Meyer
- Craig R. Whitney
- Georgie Anne Geyer
- Sig Mickelson
- Steven Weisman
- Katharine Graham
- Judith Miller
- Lally G. Weymouth
- James L. Greenfield
- Jack Nelson
- Roger W. Wilkins
- Meg Greenfield
- John B. Oakes
- Mortimer B. Zuckerman