| Albert Pike (1809-1891) One of the six founders of the Ku Klux Klan. Like Guiseppe Mazzini created the ritual blood oath of the Mafia, the omerta; Pike created the rituals and oaths of the KKK-- such the Illuminati-inspired lynching campaigns. (Pike was appointed head of Illuminati operations in the U.S by Mazzini in 1834.) Image of the devil Baphomet in the church of Saint-Merri, France. Like the Templars before him, Albert Pike revived the worship of Baphomet and other gods; but Baphomet, stands out. It was a devil which Aleister Crowley claimed to have channeled in 1906 while writing "The Book of the Law", another holy work among the serious 20th century Luciferians, or Satanists. Crowley also claimed to be the incarnation of Eliphas Levi, a sorcerer from a century back whom in turn heavily influenced his contemporary, Albert Pike.
- Peter Partner, The Murdered Magicians BROTHER RAOUL: Well, the head. I've seen it at seven chapters held by Brother Hugh de Peraud and others. INQUISITOR: What did one do to worship it? BROTHER RAOUL: Well, it was like this. It was presented, and everyone threw himself on the ground, pushed back his cowl, and worshipped it. INQUISITOR: What was its face like? BROTHER RAOUL: Terrible. It seemed to me that it was the face of a demon, of a maufé [evil spirit]. Every time I saw it I was filled with such terror I could scarcely look at it, trembling in all my members."
- from M. Michelet, Procés des Templiers
The Temple of Paris At the time of the Templar trial, circa 1313 Hasan-Dan-Sabah "The Old Man of the Mountain," (11th century) organizer of the Haschishin, or Assassins. The members of this sect, while intoxicated with haschish, could be induced to carry out political murders, usually at the cost of their lives. Today, they are most commonly found in the middle-eastern suicide bombers. The Templar Prosecutor: Chancellor to French King Phillipe de Bel, a chief prosecuter in the Templar trial.
The walls of the Chateu de Chinon. Herein are symbols common to the Cabala and Alchemy. The sect was founded in 1776 in Bavaria by Adam Weisshaubt, and was notorious from early on for political assassinations and terrorism. Founded in 1118 by Hughes de Payns (left) and eight other French knights, who were companions of Godfroy de Bouillon (center). Early Luciferians before idol of Satan, pictured here thrusting a dagger |