| "...He says maybe you shot too fast because I know they didn't want a shot coming from the front...they tried to put everything from the back side." James E. Files, commenting on Charles Nicolletti's criticism of the hit on Kennedy Click here for close up of circled figures in left image. Click here for actual size. LEFT: During Lincoln's 1865 Inaugural Address (Lincoln is in larger red circle); his assassin, John Wilkes Booth, watched from the balcony behind the president. Another conspirator, Lewis Paine, is directly under the white lectern wearing a broad rimmed hat (smaller red circle). RIGHT: President Kennedy's inaugural oath was administered by Justice Earl Warren, a California freemason and former Klan leader appointed by President Johnson. (Curiously Jack Ruby, Oswald's assassin, professed Johnson to be the mastermind in the assassination shortly before his death during the Clay Shaw trial.) Johnson, who would head the discredited Warren Commission that investigated Kennedy's death. In 1963, at least two Supreme Court Justices were tied to the Klan. Justice Hugo Black was also an admitted member. Disclosure of Klan involvement in the assassination was sure to create the greatest revolution in Washington since Reconstruction. The Senate and House of Representatives, in 1963, also had active Klan members (particularly Dixiecrats) whom stood to be purged with the public outrage that would be forthcoming. Most prominent of these was Sen. Strom Thurmond. Lafayette Baker's Handwriting Analysis Click thumbnail for full size RIGHT: a certificate of authenticity by handwriting expert Stanley S. Smith, Captain P.S.P.; regarding Neff's copy of Colburn's United Service Magazine/Naval and Military Journal, 1864; Part II, London. A Small Entry Wound? An interior view of Kennedy's skull, showing a complete absence of cranial integrity in the rear of the skull as suggested in the faked x-rays above. The Warren Commission's "entry wound", with Kennedy's scalp pulled over the shattered skull.(1) The color photograph is actually faked using a matte insert technique, but nonetheless challenges the faked x-rays it was meant to buttress, since a largeque, but nonetheless challenges the faked x-rays it was meant to buttress, since a large piece of Kennedy's skull, attached only to his scalp, dangles precariously whereas it appears intact in a lateral view of the x-ray. Faked X-rays made from sloppily reconstructed skull fragments that attempt to suggest a rear entry wound. |