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In a television interview, A Current Affair, the mistress of Lyndon  Johnson, Madeleine Brown, described the meeting of 21st November, 1963, when she was at the home of Clint Murchison. Others at the meeting included Harold L. Hunt, J. Edgar Hoover, Clyde Tolson, John J. McCloy and Richard Nixon. At the end of the evening Lyndon B. Johnson arrived...

"Tension filled the room upon his arrival. The group immediately went behind closed doors. A short time later Lyndon, anxious and red-faced, reappeared... Squeezing my hand so hard, it felt crushed from the pressure, he spoke with a grating whisper, a quiet growl, into my ear, not a love message, but one I'll always remember: "After tomorrow those goddamn Kennedys will never embarrass me again - that's no threat - that's a promise.".

It's important to note that John J. McCloy was a member of the now discredited Warren Commission which "investigated" the assassination, appointed by none other than Johnson. Nixon himself was in Dallas on the day of the assassination.

Dallas Morning News, November 22, 1963. The day of President Kennedy's assassination

The lead prosecutor in this so called investigation is Sen Arlen Specter. Today, he is Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, insuring that while he is alive, the miscarriage of justice perpetrated on an American president will never be addressed.


"The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it." 

JFK address to newspaper publishers regarding secret societies, April 27, 1961.

The Masonic allegiance in action; protecting Johnson and segregationists implicated  in the Kennedy assassination: All but one of the Warren Commission consisted of freemasons, and even then one member, Hale Boggs, eventually suspected Johnson. Boggs died in a plane crash over Alaska not long after questioning his own Commission's findings.

The Patriots

"I saw a code of Masonic legislation adapted to prostrate every principle of equal justice and to corrupt every sentiment of virtuous feeling in the soul of him who bound his allegiance to it. I saw the practice of common honesty, the kindness of Christian benevolence, even the abstinence of atrocious crimes; limited exclusively by lawless oaths and barbarous penalties, to the social relations between the Brotherhood and the Craft."

President John Quincy Adams

The Templar Desecration of the Cross

While masonic scholars still debate whether or not the cross was ever trampled underfoot or urinated upon in the initiation rites of the Templar Order, the fact remains that today the cross, the symbol of Christ; is ritualistically desecrated and burned in a symbolic allusion to the burning of Jacque DeMolay at the stake. The Luciferian who created this ritual, Albert Pike, in fact believed he was the incarnation of Jacques DeMolay and actually claimed to own the skull of this martyred Grand Master.

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

Can the Honest Masons Try Their Own Grand Masters?

President Abraham Lincoln

Every once in a while, you'll read that Lincoln, as a lawyer, actually wanted to become a freemason.  But the fact is, he never was one. Freemasonry in his day opposed him in the North and South, as it then compromised of wealthy slave owners and Southern sympathizers. Lincoln's hero, Andrew Jackson, who defeated the British in New Orleans, is also cited as a freemason.  But to imply that Jackson belonged to any pro-British fraternity is as asinine a suggestion as the one implying Lincoln longed to submit to British masters in the London Grand Lodge.

There were freemasons, however, in his administration. Some were later implicated in his assassination.  Most notably, Vice President Andrew Johnson, who was Scottish Rite, 32nd degree.

The Wisdom of Lincoln: The Lincoln and Douglas Debates

"My main object was to show, so far as my humble ability was capable of showing, to the people of this country what I believed was the truth; that there was a tendency, if not a conspiracy, among those who have engineered this slavery question for the last four or five years, to make slavery perpetual and universal in this nation..." (more...)

Abraham Lincoln, August 21, 1858, regarding the Dred Scott Decision

President Lincoln's Allusion to the Freemasonic Role in the Dred Scott Case. To make his case, Lincoln uses architecture analogies only a freemason can truly understand. Incidentally, Lincoln's VP,  Andrew Johnson, was 32nd degree Scottish Rite and impeached as a suspect in the president's assassination after pardoning Confederate Gen. Albert Pike, the latter having fled to Canada to escape arrest  for complicity in the murder of Lincoln.


President John Quincy Adams struggled to abolish slavery during his term in office-- and in doing so, he came into conflict with the fiercest proponents of slavery, the freemasons.

President John Quincy Adams

After an historically unmatched and unprecedented investigation of American Freemasonry, President John Quincy Adams concluded in his Address to the People of Massachusetts:

"I saw a code of Masonic legislation adapted to prostrate every principle of equal justice and to corrupt every sentiment of virtuous feeling in the soul of him who bound his allegiance to it.... I saw the practice of common honesty, the kindness of Christian benevolence, even the abstinence of atrocious crimes; limited exclusively by lawless oaths and barbarous penalties, to the social relations between the Brotherhood and the Craft. I saw slander organize into a secret, widespread and affiliated agency....I saw self-invoked imprecations of throats cut from ear to ear, of hearts and vitals torn out and cast off and hung on spires. I saw wine drunk from a human skull with solemn invocation of all the sins of its owner upon the head of him who drank it."

President Grant comments on Freemasonry...

President Ulysses S. Grant warned...

"All secret, oath bound, political parties are dangerous to any nation."

President Kennedy of Freemasonry

"The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it." 

JFK address to newspaper publishers regarding secret societies, April 27, 1961.

[IMAGE]Face to Face with a Catholic "King"

The historic meeting of President John F. Kennedy and a young President Clinton (a mason). In 1963 Clinton was elected as Arkansas' delegate to the Boys Nation for the Washington D.C. visit pictured here. President Kennedy would be murdered just four months later. 

During his high school years in Hot Springs, Arkansas; Clinton was a Master Counselor in the Order of DeMolay; a sort of lily-white youth group designed to prepare youngsters for higher masonry. Clinton also received his Degree of Chevalier-- the highest honor a DeMolay can receive (Hot Springs Masonic Temple-- 311 West Grand). 


The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge

by John Ankerberg & John Weldon


Page 23

Finally, Fisher observes that Masons have dominated the U.S. Supreme Court from 1941-1971. From 1941-1946 the ratio was 5 to 4; from 1949-1956 it was 8 to 1: from 1957-1967 it was 6 to 3 and from 1969-1971 it was again 5 to 4. He concludes that such influence may have contributed to the high court's "determination to move the nation away from an emphasis on Judeo-Christian values in public life..." 

Page 46-47

Although Knight is neither a Christian nor a Freemason, he does note that "Freemasonry is extremely anxious to have--or appear to have---good relations with all Christian churches." In fact, Masonic power within the church is so strong that "the church...dares not offend or provoke thousands of influential and often financially substantial laymen by inquiring into the religious implications of Freemasonry." 

Freemasonry is anxious to maintain good relations with the church for one principal reason. As is true for many modern cults as well, the church can provide a large number of converts. This is one reason a particular oath is offered specifically for Christian ministers who are joining the Lodge. This oath pledges them to accept the idea that true Christianity, by its very nature, must safeguard the interests of Masonry: "You, brother, are a preacher of [Christian] religion...You cannot, therefore, but be fond of the [Masonic] Order, and zealous for the interests of Freemasonry...Whoever is warmed with the spirit of Christianity, must esteem, must love Freemasonry." 

Page 63

Former Mason Ronayne believed that by its absolute stress upon secrecy, keeping of the oaths, and the belief in Masonry as the highest good, in effect Masonry taught the following:

Whenever you see any of our signs made by a brother Mason, and especially the Grand Hailing sign of distress, you must always be sure to obey them, even at the risk of your own life. If you're on a jury, and the defendant is a Mason, and makes the Grand Hailing sign, you must obey it; you must disagree with your brother jurors, if necessary, but you must be very sure not to bring the Mason guilty, for that would bring disgrace upon our order. It may be perjury, to be sure, to do this, but then you're fulfilling your obligation, and you know if you "live up to your obligations you'll be free from sin."... You must conceal all the crimes of your brother Mason, except murder and treason, and these only at your own option, and should you be summoned as a witness against a brother Mason be always sure to shield him. Prevaricate, don't tell the whole truth in this case, keep his secrets. 

Page 65-66

Further, the candidate is told that the political power of the land ("the king") is subordinate to the Masonic High Priest: 

The institutions of political society teach us to consider the King as the chief of created beings, and that the first duty of his subjects is to obey his mandates; but the institutions of our sublime degrees, by placing the King in a situation subordinate to the High-Priest, teaches us that our duty to God [i.e., Masonry] is paramount to all other duties, and should ever claim the priority of our obedience to man. 

Perhaps this is why President Ulysses S. Grant once observed, "All secret, oathbound, political parties are dangerous to any nation." President John Quincy Adams was more severe. After an impartial investigation of Freemasonry, he concluded in his "Address to the People of Massachusetts," 

"I saw a code of Masonic legislation adapted to prostrate every principle of equal justice and to corrupt every sentiment of virtuous feeling in the soul of him who bound his allegiance to it. I saw the practice of common honesty, the kindness of Christian benevolence, even the abstinence of atrocious crimes, limited exclusively by lawless oaths and barbarous penalties, to the social relations between the Brotherhood and the Craft. I saw slander organize into a secret, widespread and affiliated agency...I saw self-invoked imprecations of throats cut from ear to ear, of hearts and vitals torn out and cast off and hung on spires. I saw wine drunk from a human skull with solemn invocation of all the sins of its owner upon the head of him who drank it." 

Page 108-109

In the Third Degree of the Blue Lodge (Master Mason), while kneeling "on his naked knees, both hands resting on the Holy Bible," the Masonic initiate is promised that "nothing in [Masonry] will interfere with the duty you owe to your God." (This is a totally false promise, as will be seen later.) 

In addition, the initiate "most solemnly and sincerely promises and swears" to the truth of all these things: "so help me God, and keep me steadfast in due performance of the same." He then kisses the Bible to seal his vow. Later, the Mason is again reminded that God "will reward us according to our works," and "if we are found worthy," He will permit us entrance into His heaven. 

Page 184


I, , promise and swear, in the presence of the Great Architect of the Universe...Never to reveal any of the secrets of the degree of the Knights of the Sun...And should I willfully violate this my obligation, may my brethren seize me and thrust my tongue through with a red hot iron, to pluck out my eyes and deprive me of smelling and seeing, to cut off my hands and expose me in that condition in the field to be devoured by the voracious animals, and if none can be found, may the lightning of heaven execute on me the same vengeance. 

Page 192-193

Sovereign Grand Commander Francis G. Paul says, "universal brotherhood is our aim." Masonic authority H.L. Haywood claims, "In Freemasonry world brotherhood is an actuality, not a remote ideal." 

The initiation ritual of the 30th Degree of the Scottish Rite teaches the same goal: 

If then we wish order and peace to prevail on earth, we must be united; we must have but one will, but one mind. Both we find in the teaching of Masonry only, and against that compact of unity, tyranny and usurpation, whether religious or political, must fall subdued and powerless. 

Masonry, victorious over all adverse circumstances, will become the honored medium of uniting all mankind in one vast brotherhood. 

This is why many Masonic authorities believe the Masonry will bring about a new world order: 

[Masonry] is a world law destined to change the earth, into conformity with itself, and as a world power it is something superb, awe-inspiring, godlike. 

The doctrines of Masonry will ultimately rule the intellectual world. 

Page 198

The 28th Degree teaches that "the first degree represents man, when he had sunken from his original lofty estate...He is emphatically a profane, enveloped in darkness, poor and destitute of spiritual knowledge, and emblematically naked. The material darkness which is produced by the bandage over his eyes, is an emblem of the darkness of his soul." In the 30th Degree it is revealed to an initiate that his earlier religious beliefs are "superstition" and that the claim of religious compatibility was only a ruse to get him started in Masonry. 

Freemasonry: Satan's Door to America?

Excerpt from a tract by J. Edward Decker

Note: Fez - The red hat worn by Shriner's 

Page 1

"The Fez itself, is an example of the double meaning behind most of Freemasonry's facade. Worn and even carried to the grave with pompous dignity, the history of the Fez is barbaric and anti-Christian. In the early 8th century, Muslim hordes overran the Moroccan city of Fez, shouting, "There is no god but Allah and Muhammed is his prophet." There, they butchered almost 50,000 Christians. These men, women and children were slain because of their faith in Christ, all in the name of Allah, the same demon god to whom every Shriner must bow in worship (and proclaim him the god of his fathers) in the Shrine initiation ceremony..." 

Page 2

"During the butchering of the people of Fez, the streets literally ran red with the blood of the martyred Christians. The Muslim murderers dipped their caps in the blood of their victims as a testimony to Allah. These blood stained caps eventually were called Fezes and became the Muslim badge of honor. The Shriners wear that same red Fez today. The greatest tragedy is that the Fez is often worn by men who profess to be Christians themselves. It must cause God to weep... 

Page 4

"Freemasonry boasts 16* Presidents, including Ronald Reagan, 41 Federal Judges, 60 Congressmen, 14 members of Judiciary Committee and 18 Senators. One can only guess at the numbers involved within the many governmental departments. There is no doubt that Masonic conspirators plotted against this nation from its very inception to the present hour. We praise God that there have been that many real Christians praying for this country and its leaders to keep a righteous God from bringing deserved judgment against this nation..."